Привет всем! Из-за того, что я разделила Блоггер и Гугл у меня перестали быть возможными комментарии.. Я пытаюсь это исправить, но если у вас есть непреодолимое желание прокомментировать мою работу или у вас есть совет, как это исправить, пишите на olga@kolov.com!
Hello everyone! I have separated my blogger and google accounts and now it will be not possible to leave a comment. I work hard for fixing the problem but you can write me at olga@kolov.com if you have a comment or a tipp for the solution of the problem!
I hope this comment goes through for you. I have not ever had this problem. I will also email you just in case this doesn't go through. Your art is absolutely LOVELY!!! You are very talented, Olga. I would enjoy it very much if you could stop by my challenge blog to share your wonderful art. Keep creating! Your art is a blessing!
Word Art Wednesday
It looks like the comments are working now! I see the message I left, and I hope that you can see it as well. I really hope that you can stop by and play along in our challenges at Word Art Wednesday.
Your art is GORGEOUS, Olga. I hope to see you soon!